The London  Advantage for Caribbean Children

The Caribbean STEM Coaching Club runs regular “Parents Helping Parents” problem-solving and knowledge-sharing ZOOM discussions on a wide range of topics.  On 21 September 2024, parents shared their “Top Ten” perspectives on “The London  Advantage for Caribbean Children”

  1. In general, London has the best-performing schools in the United Kingdom.
  2. The Times suggests that 8 out of the 10 best schools in the world are based in London. They are all private schools though!
  3. London provides easy access to a wide range of enriching, FREE events, shows, festivals, museums, art galleries, parks, sporting facilities etc.
  4. London also provides easy access to high-quality outfits that stretch and expose children in unique ways, such as LAMDA, the Royal Institution, Toastmasters, Investin, Debate Chamber.
  5. London has a number of world-leading universities that provide enrichment programmes for secondary school students such as Imperial College, LSE, UCL, Kings and SOAS.
  6. There are role models of Black achievement all around and easy access to Black History Walks, Black History events, theatre and other productions highlighting Black achievement.
  7. London has many great community organisations that provide support and opportunities to Black children such as Amos Bursary, Westside Academy, 10,000 interns, Inspiring Tomorrow’s Leaders, and Reach.
  8. The High Commissions for the Caribbean islands are based in London. These can provide rich and affirming community, opportunities, and exposure to Caribbean culture.
  9. London is very cosmopolitan so many teachers are comfortable with Black people and are likely to be more progressive with a good understanding of issues of diversity and inclusion.
  10. London has great food and restaurants from all over the world – and from Africa and the Caribbean in particular!

So.if you are fortunate enough to live in or close to London, spend a little time on Google, get on those mailing lists, and make the most of what the City has to offer.

End.Penny Carballo-Smith, 26 September 2024